From July 7 - 9, 2022, I finally made a trip that, at least part of, I've been wanting to do for over 30 years. Granted, there are parts that that were really just lucky bonuses that I'm simply glad happened.
July 7, 2022: Greetings from the Hard Rock Cafe in Pittsburgh. I took that after getting my hotel room. This is one of the bonuses, frankly. In 1989, I was able to visit the Hard Rock Cafe in London. That's where I originally got the cap I'm wearing in the picture. (Unfortunately, even if I could relocate the t-shirt I got from the Hard Rock Cafe in New York City, I sincerely doubt that it would fit me anymore after all the weight I've put on since the stroke I survived in 2013.) On June 20 of this year, I finally made it to the Hard Rock Cafe in Philadelphia, which is where I got the t-shirt I'm wearing in this picture. While I finally started laying the ground work for this trip shortly before I went to the Hard Rock in Philadelphia, it wasn't until I went there that I decided to go to the one in Pittsburgh. Other than cost of heating there, they're really fun to go to.
Greetings from Pittsburgh from just outside
the Hard Rock Cafe there. You'd never know from this
picture that it was gone 9 PM at night when I took it nor that it was
much darker out at the time. Taken within moments of the first, just east along the river.
Pittsburgh skyline outside of the Hard Rock Cafe (which was behind me and to my right).
July 8, 2022: Greetings from Mars. I've been wanting to go there ever since 1990 when The Morning Call had a sweepstakes tying to the original Total Recall where the winner would get an all expensed paid trip to Mars [Pennsylvania]. I couldn't go then for numerous reasons. Now I can finally say I've been to Mars. It's a tiny little town, but I knew that before making the 350+ mile trip out there. Since I had no particular expectations, I couldn't be disappointed. 😎
These were taken in a small community museum at the old train station in Mars. They're only open 4 hours on Fridays and run by local volunteers. Which means I got lucky as I scheduled this trip around my work schedule and other than generally looking around just to say I'd been there I hadn't thought about museums, etc. The one on the right is is a closeup of the book. It was the tag is that grabbed my attention. 😁
This was in a small room on the side of what to be an active auto repair garage that focused on antique vehicles and is adjacent to the museum. Go figure they have a Mars fixation in their movie posters.
Still trying to find the original location used in The Night Of The Living Dead.
I was trying to do this from memory as, while I've only seen the movie once a few years ago (thanks to Svengoolie on MeTV) I'm clearly an idiot. I finally resorted to using the live view function in Google Maps to try to locate actual site. What initially confused me was that when using that function they'll give you a still picture of your destination to compare it to, only the headstone in that comparison still was a completely different style. When I later looked for stills from the movie, the headstone matches this.
I located this in Evans City. Definitely a misnomer as it's really a small town. A larger small town, but a small town nevertheless. 😎 To be fair, Night Of The Living Dead is far from my favourite movie. I just think it's cool to have been able to go here and see where parts of the movie were filmed.

Basically, this is also the movie that put Evans City on the map.
I found the fountain of youth. (Now if it just weren't contaminated.) This is the link that led me to it and explains its background.
This is just some things I picked up so that I can demonstrate, beyond my photos, that I've been to Mars. 😁
July 9, 2022: This is the actual location and angle
where the couple at the beginning of Night Of The Living Dead was shot. I took this on my final day of my trip before returning to my domicile, which I affectionately refer to as Area51, on the opposite side of the state.
Since I wasn't looking at a deadline in
terms of getting back I, unlike on my trip out resulting in my primarily sticking to Interstate highways, I instead took the scenic and shorter route. As a result, one of my
pit stops was Lincoln Caverns & Whispering Rocks (which actually
consists of 2 separate caverns in relatively close proximity to each
other though they were formed about 4 million years apart). I'd
frankly forgotten just how treacherous the stairways in them could be. That didn't
stop me from doing it though. Slowed me down, but didn't stop me. 😎
This was taken from the lowest point in Lincoln Caverns, the lower of
the two. 120 feet below the surface. Impossible is for the lazy.

While somewhat closer to the surface, don't let the lighting fool you.
These were taken deep in the cave. I admit, I probably should have tried night mode on
my mobile phone's camera.
This entrance to Whisper Rocks is literally the highest point I
reached here. And yes, I went in
there, too. (I just didn't think to take any pictures inside.)
This is
the top of the stairs you have to climb just to get to/from Lincoln
Caverns. Whisper Rocks is higher still up the hill and is reached via a well maintained path. I
definitely got my exercise in here. 😁😎
Part of the reason I went here as a pit stop was
because I saw the signs for Lincoln Caverns and couldn't actually
remember if I'd ever been there before. When I was little, we used to go
to the various caves/caverns across much of PA as well as the
Shenandoah Valley, etc. Even once I arrived here, I still wasn't certain. The
tour group consisted of the tour guide, myself, and a family of 4 who
were traveling to near Hershey from Erie. So I wasn't alone in that
regard. I simply had no passengers aboard Darkwind (people name their boats, I name my cars/trucks,etc.). Once we reached the
original entrance to Lincoln Caverns, that's when it all felt familiar to me. Granted, the last
time I was there I was around 9 or so. I've been wanting to something
like this since the stroke, but usually I figured on going to Lost River
Caverns as it's relatively small and very local to where I live. Lincoln Caverns is literally along Rte 22 (or is it old Rte 22?) and was
not in the slightest out of my way. Not remembering it (unlike Lost
River Caverns, which I've been to numerous times over the years) just
made it both more interesting and compelling. It also allowed me to prove to myself that, even though I'm no longer able to move as quickly as I used to, I'm still able to enjoy going to public caves again. It may not seem like much, but one more barrier created by my stroke has fallen.
I returned to Area51
from my trip late that night. While I haven't figured it all yet, I'm hoping for more road trips in my future.
by Rev. J.T. Smith